5 Ways to Save Energy in Your Kitchen

5 Ways to Save Energy in Your Kitchen | GreyDock Blog
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Being able to conserve and save this energy is beneficial not only for the environment but your wallet.

We use up energy every day without thinking about it, mainly due to leaving devices running in the background. This is particularly true in the kitchen where many appliances are on 24/7 out of necessity. Yet, this uses up a lot of energy, with a study from the Institute of Sustainable Energy at the University Tenaga National naming the fridge as the most energy-intensive. The good news is that we can easily save energy in the kitchen. Being able to conserve and save this energy is beneficial not only for the environment but your wallet. Get creative on how you save energy with DIY projects or through other proven methods.

Store appliances rather than leaving them plugged

Unplugging appliances when they’re not being used will save energy. After using small appliances, make sure to store them rather than leaving them out. This practice could help you save $100 - $200 annually. If the appliance doesn’t need to be running constantly, there’s no need for it to have electricity. Remember that an appliance on standby is still using electricity so always shut it down fully and unplug. It may not seem like much but it adds up over time.

Image of an unplugged power cable with a kitchen backsplash background.

Invest in solar energy

Solar energy is a cleaner and cheaper alternative to other sources of electricity, and you can easily use solar energy to power your kitchen. Solar batteries are listed by Hoymiles as one of the most effective ways to reduce energy bills. This is because solar batteries store unused energy for later use, so no energy goes to waste, making your energy consumption more efficient.

If you're on the fence about how strong these batteries are, an article titled How to Run Your Fridge on Solar Power explains how you can use these solar batteries to run the most energy-intensive appliance in the kitchen. When installing the batteries, you will need to find the right solar power configurations and power requirement calculations, as well as installing a charge controller to smooth the flow of power from the panels to the battery to protect the battery from power fluctuations. By using solar power you will take a giant step to make your kitchen energy efficient.

Insulating your water heater

Using a water heater is common in many homes, but most people don’t realize how much energy it uses. On average, using a water heater every day can cost $781 per year. And with many people using the water heater in the kitchen when they wash up and cook, reducing its energy consumption by insulating it will save you money.

Insulating will help the heaters be more effective at retaining heat, and in turn, use less energy. This project can be done by yourself or by professionals. If you’re looking into going the DIY route, Take Care of Texas has an easy step-by-step guide on the process.

Increase amount of natural light

Out of all the rooms in the home, the kitchen is where you are most likely to keep the lights on – whether it is the main lights or the stove light. If your kitchen does not have access to much natural light then you will be far more likely to keep the lights on during the morning and late afternoon. And this leads to wasted electricity that could be easily reduced with more natural light sources. If possible add more windows to allow more natural light in. If you can’t add any more windows, make sure to keep the curtains open and the kitchen door open to let light in from other rooms.

Image of a kitchen sink setting with a large window providing natural light.

Purchase energy-efficient electronics

As mentioned above, homeowners often have no choice but to keep certain appliances running for long periods of time, such as the refrigerator, oven, and dishwasher. A way to save when using these electronics is to purposefully buy ones that are built to conserve energy.

If you’re looking into seriously upgrading your home to be more energy-efficient, newer appliances are a smart way to go. These appliances have more advanced technology and are built to conserve as much electricity as possible. They can save up to 50% of energy compared to their non-efficient counterparts. So while they may seem like a costly expense, do consider the long-term benefits and savings. Upgrading is the easiest way to lessen the amount of energy consumption.

Saving energy and lessening energy consumption in the kitchen is very achievable and we hope the above tips will prove useful. If you want more ideas on how to improve your kitchen, our post ‘How to Decorate a Small Kitchen for Style and Function’ lists different ideas to keep your kitchen storage organized and functional.

Article specially written for GreyDock by Alessa Edgar

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