Designing a Home Drainage System: Which Solution is Best?

Designing a Home Drainage System: Which Solution is Best? | GreyDock Blog
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When it comes to fixing water drainage problems in your yard, your best solution is to design a home drainage system.

Are you having issues with standing water in your yard but don’t know what to do? How about your mulch getting washed away after a big storm?

These are common issues homeowners face during the spring thaw and stormy season. No matter the issue, the solution is always the same: a proper residential drainage system needs to be put in place.

Here’s our guide to drainage solutions that work together to keep your yard free from water.

Channel Drain

Channel drain is a popular drainage solution for driveways, walkways, pool areas and more. If you have issues of standing water due to a poor slope in your garage or driveway, channel drain (also referred to as trench drain) is the way to go. It’s a great long-term solution, but it does need a lot of planning beforehand to make it work. Read more about channel drain installation.

Channel drain installed in driveway prevents water from reaching your foundation. #drainagesolutions

Catch Basins

Catch basins collect water from low lying areas in your yard or through the gutter system. The basins connect to a drain pipe to divert water away from the problem area. Round and square basins are standard and have varying water capacities. The 12-inch square catch basin can hold as much as 2.4 gallons. There are also different catch basin grate styles available depending on placement and functionality needs.

StormDrain's catch basins collect water and connect to drain pipe to divert it away from your foundation. #drainagesolutions

Downspout Diverters

Your home’s gutters play a key role in keeping water away from your foundation, but pooling can still occur sometimes. A proper downspout drainage system will be the difference between a beautiful garden and messy erosion. Poor downspout configurations can wash mulch and dirt into walkways, leaving a mess behind. With downspout diverters like Amerimax’s StealthFlow system, you’ll be able to extend downspouts without needing to dig. Extensions can be buried with landscaping rocks or mulch—no eyesores here.

Amerimax's StealthFlow downspout connector carries water away from your foundation without having to dig. #drainagesolutions

Pop-Up Emitters

Pop-up emitters are an effective way to dispose of runoff water without even noticing it. By harnessing the hydrostatic pressure of water, the top pops open and releases it at the edge of your yard. They connect to 3- or 4-inch drain pipe, which you can then connect to virtually any other drainage solution on this list. Learn more about the benefits of installing a pop-up emitter in your yard

Pop-up emitters use hydrostatic pressure to release water away from your foundation.

Your yard will need a combination of drainage solutions to get rid of standing water. Many of the solutions we’ve discussed were made to work together—it is called a drainage system after all!

Still not sure what to pick? We’ve got you! Feel free to reach out to one of our customer service reps to get recommendations and have your questions answered.

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